10 Things Youd Learn from a Donald Trump Education

Donald Trump

Education is, by far, one of the most important things we can provide for our children. Teaching them the basics, allowing them to experience life and sending then to school so that they can learn to read, write and participate in group activities so that they can learn that most people rely on someone else to do all the work and then jump on board the credit taking train is imperative. Education is important. School and all that it has to provide for kids is what makes the world work. We might not learn much about fractions when it’s not all that interesting, but we do learn about relationships, about etiquette and about plenty of other things in school. And Donald Trump, presidential candidate, knows that.

In fact, The Trumpster has plenty of opinions when it comes to education, as if that should come as a surprise to anyone. Donald Trump formed his own university (unaccredited) several years ago, and he has definite opinions about education and what it needs. Should he be elected president of the good old U.S. of A., we might expect a few educational amendments, changes and differences to hit the Department of Education. Prepare yourself, because there are just a few of the things you might learn to expect with a Donald Trump education.

Instead of Failing, You’re Fired

Get a bad grade on a test and drag down your entire grade point average? Well, then you’re fired. The creator and director of the “Apprentice” isn’t one who stands for failure, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see him simply fire those not doing a good job. Since, after all, being a student is the job of a student.

Shop Class is Important

When it comes to making the world a better place, Donald Trump understands that building a wall between the US and Mexico is imperative. So, we might expect more people to be required to take some sort of shop class so that they can learn to adequately build said wall high enough and wide enough that it cannot be scaled, while somehow making sure that the cost of the equipment is sent straight to Mexico. That means math is also important.

See you Late Common Core

As someone who has children in school, I’m okay with the fact that this is something he wants to do away with. I see the stress it places on the teachers in my family, and on my own children. So, if Trump is president, we might be able to say goodbye to something that we all kind of hate. I’m down with that.

Higher Intelligence

Donald Trump is not impressed with the fact that Americans spend so much on education and get so little from it. He points out that there are 25 other countries across the world that show education is more successful in their areas. He’s not happy with being the 26th on the list, so he wants to move us up. Perhaps he is going to make potential future parents take IQ tests prior to conception?

Less Government in Schools

What people really, really dislike about the education system in America right now is the fact that it’s too political. From what Trump has to say about that, he would localize education so that it has far less to do with politics and far more to do with actual education. That certainly does not seem to be such a terrible idea.

The Department of Education is Unimportant

Here’s a good lesson students will learn with Trump’s education. There has been talk about what will happen to the DOE when a new president takes office. Some want to shut it down completely, but Trump is not one of those people. He merely wants to minimize the department and make it essential personnel only, getting rid of those who aren’t necessary and keeping only a few essential staff.

Fewer Rules on Accreditation, because Who Needs it?

He’s not said much about his opinions on accreditation as far as for-profit colleges are concerned, but Donald Trump does own a for-profit university, and it’s believed that he supports the concept. He might believe in relaxing accreditation standards as far as universities are concerned so that education is more widely available to the general public. However, students will learn with a Trump education that accreditation is not all that important.

Goodbye to Pell Grants?

If Donald Trump does cut down the Department of Education as small as he’d like, that might mean that there are fewer federal grants available to students. For example, it’s this department that issues federal Pell grants to those attending college with extreme financial need, and that could mean saying goodbye that kind of funding for those who do show excessive financial need. Let’s teach students that being financially needy isn’t that important.

“Fixed” Schools

What this means, well, we’re not entirely sure. But it is intriguing. Donald Trump did state on several occasions that he’s going to fix the infrastructure of America, schools included. What this means, we are not positive. However, we like to think that it means he’s going to do away with the above mentioned Common Core and inspire teachers and students to perform well in and out of the classroom, to get the most out of their education and to keep the costs of government meddling down in terms of schools and their budgets.

Proof of Education

Back in 2012, Donald Trump told the President of the United States that he would donate $5 million to any charity of the President’s choice if he merely released to the public his college applications and his grades so that the world could see what kind of education and what kind of student Barack Obama was. It seemed like a very simple challenge, but the president did not follow through to take that charitable donation.

Perhaps this means that should he take office, Donald Trump will be more than happy to show off his educational background in the public light so that everyone knows precisely what they are dealing with should he take office. We know he didn’t put much of an emphasis on education so much as he did the business world.

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