CosmosPagedFlux (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation)

CosmosPagedFlux (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation) Type Parameters: T - The type of elements in a ContinuablePage All Implemented Interfaces: org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>, CorePublisher<T> public final class CosmosPagedFlux<T> extends<String,T,FeedResponse<T>> Cosmos implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux.

This type is a Flux that provides the ability to operate on pages of type FeedResponse and individual items in such pages. This type supports String type continuation tokens, allowing for restarting from a previously-retrieved continuation token.

For more information on the base type, refer ContinuablePagedFlux

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handle

      Handle for invoking "side-effects" on each FeedResponse returned by CosmosPagedFlux

      Parameters: newFeedResponseConsumer - handler Returns: CosmosPagedFlux instance with attached handler
    • byPage

      Specified by: byPage in class<String,T,FeedResponse<T>>
    • byPage

      Specified by: byPage in class<String,T,FeedResponse<T>>
    • byPage

      Specified by: byPage in class<String,T,FeedResponse<T>>
    • byPage

      Specified by: byPage in class<String,T,FeedResponse<T>>
    • subscribe

      Subscribe to consume all items of type T in the sequence respectively. This is recommended for most common scenarios. This will seamlessly fetch next page when required and provide with a Flux of items. Specified by: subscribe in interface CorePublisher<T> Specified by: subscribe in class Flux<T> Parameters: coreSubscriber - The subscriber for this CosmosPagedFlux
