Dog attack: Toddler mauled in Adelaide, South African Boerboel dog breed to be banned from suburbs

A vet has called for a dog breed to be banned from suburban homes after a two-year-old girl mauled by her pet.

Alaruh Walker was at home in Adelaide when the 35kg pet South African Boerboel, called Joop, set upon her at about 1.30pm on Monday.

She was rushed to hospital by paramedics with facial injuries.

Vet and director of Parade Norwood Veterinary Clinic Derek McNair said he thinks the dogs should be banned from suburban areas.

“There are certain breeds which have a higher risk attached to them and are less suitable to be living in suburbia,” told the Adelaide Advertiser.

“I think banning certain breeds is justified.”

However, he believes caution should be used when any dog is kept under the same roof as a young child.

“No young child should be left unattended with any dog,” he said.

The RSPCA also warns that young children should not be left with unsupervised with dogs but disagreed with call for a ban.

Alaruh’s father Chis Walker told 7 News that he heard Joop growling before he found the animal attacking his daughter.

RSPCA South Australia’s Dog Care team head Sam Margrave said parents should be improve their ability to read the body language of their pets to prepare for aggressive behaviour.

Lip licking, whale eye, tense body, avoiding gaze (and) freezing are all signs a dog might be about to change their behaviour.

Neighbour Anthony Dear found the dog in the street and locked it in his garage.

“He wasn’t aggressive or anything,” Mr Dear said of Joop.

“I don’t know why it snapped down there,” he told the Advertiser.

Mr Dear added that Mr Walker looked as if he would have killed the dog if he had been given the chance.

Rangers from the City of Port Adelaide Enfield Council were filmed seizing the dog at the property on Camilla Ave in Osborne.

The little girl’s family did not want to speak to the media, driving off while a reporter was asking questions.

A man shouted at camera crew from the home.

The child’s current condition is unknown, with paramedics rushing the child to hospital.

Her father was emotionally distressed due to the incident, neighbours said.

“Obviously freaking out a little bit because one of his kids was hurt,” the neighbour said.

“The ambos were just pulling up as I pulled in.

“The dog was down here and the ambos were everywhere.”

The council has been contacted for comment.
