How to remove invisible filter on TikTok android?

The invisible filter is currently a widely used addition that has been newly introduced to TikTok. The app is perhaps the most popular and widely used social media app that hosts short-form video content.

The most downloaded app of 2021 currently hosts 30.8 million iOS users on a daily basis. Though there are fewer Android users, it still comes in strong with 14.3 million active daily users.

An example of a TikToker using the invisible filter (image via TikTok)

The app has proven to be a useful tool to showcase one's talents as it provides users with several features and filters to aid in creative video making. The most recent filter to go viral has been the invisible body filter.

How to use the invisible filter on Android

The invisible filter has become a commonly used feature on TikTok of late. People are using it to make their full body invisible, or to make their profile picture invisible. Although it is technically referred to as a filter, it is actually a downloadable effect that can be taken from the TikTok cloud along with other effects.

The filter already has over 90k videos featuring it, making it a trend. The first video posted by user @ins_xmsbreewc has become so popular it has garnered over 2.5 million views because of the invisible filter.

@ins_xmsbreewc's video has millions of likes (image via TikTok)

The filter fascinatingly matches your skin to the background, making you invisible and leaving a silhouette of a liquid texture in place. The filter also hides your clothes, which has motivated people to share some NSFW videos with confidence.

If you wish to remove the filter from your profile, you first have to search for and select the filter. The filter icon can be found in a portrait format with an invisible head and a blue sky background. All you have to do is select the filter and tap on the screen to turn yourself invisible.

After you finish filming your video, you can just tap the screen to reveal yourself. It is imperative to know that you cannot remove the filter after you've posted the video. It can only be done before posting, although you cannot choose which filter to remove.

More than 90k videos use the famous filter (image via TikTok)

Also remember that while you can remove the filter from a draft video, you cannot remove it after you have saved it. Your only other option is to record the same video without using the invisible filter. It is also impossible to remove the invisible filter from somebody else's video.

TikTok has used its format and employment of filters and effects to ensure continued interest and usage by its several million daily users, catering to social media's attention span. The filters aid in creating fun, entertaining, and interesting content made by social media influencers.

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