What Is Will Smith's Favorite Color?

Many people enjoy learning about celebrities as it makes them seem more relatable. Things like their background, where they went to school or even what their favorite color is. As Will Smith has a lot of fans, 17 million followers just on Instagram to be more specific, a lot of people wonder what his favorite color is. 

Will Smith has two favorite colors, red and black. Though people tend to pick one color that they prefer the most, Will could not decide between the two. Colors are said to represent different personality traits. So what does favoring red and black say about Will?

Continue reading to find out what having black and red as his favorite colors says about Will.

The Red Theory

When most people think of red, they think of things like fire or blood (or something more innocent like apples). So, red is said to represent things like energy, power and love. This is why red is seen as a powerful color, since all the emotions it represents are quite strong. People that choose red as their favorite color are said to be: “outgoing, assertive, and prone to impulsive actions and variable moods. You feel deep sympathy for fellow human beings and you are an optimist, but also never hesitate to voice your complaints.” Will Smith does seem to have most of these qualities as he is quite an outgoing person as he enjoys talking to people and embarrassing his kids in public. He also is quite empathetic as he says he wants to be known for making a difference in people’s lives. He has worked with a lot of charities and started his own foundation with his wife, The Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation. He does also use his platform to voice complaints about causes he supports and serious issues like racism

Red is most known to represent love and Will Smith seems to be a very loving person. He is always outspoken in talking about and complimenting his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith and his children, Jaden and Willow Smith. He is also frank in talking about the problems he and Jada have had in their relationship and says that love is: “when you’re committed to helping somebody with their life. Helping them to suffer less, helping them to manage their minds and their emotions.”

Theory Behind The Color Black

Though there is a lot of back and forth about whether or not black is a color, Will Smith has chosen it as one of his favorite. Black is often argued to be a shade or even just the absence of color. But, chemists confirm that black is a color because you can combine red, yellow and blue (the three primary colors) to create black. 

Black seems to represent many opposing personality traits to red. It is sometimes associated with depression, but can mean you enjoy your privacy instead, more specifically that you only want people close to you to know your thoughts and how you truly feel. Despite Will being in the limelight, this may still apply to him. He has been posting a lot on his Instagram and his YouTube page and to some this may seem like he does not enjoy privacy, but he is able to control this content. Rather than having paparazzi take pictures of his vacations, he is posting what he wants people to see himself. Being able to control his social media means he can control what parts of him people see, so favoring black does make sense in this instance for him. 

Even if you don’t believe in color theory, it is hard to deny that Will Smith’s favorite colors, red and black, do represent his personality, and what he believes in, well.
