Wrestling legend recalls teachable moment with Becky Lynch amidst Jon Moxley segment in WWE

Jon Moxley competed under the ring name 'Dean Ambrose' during his WWE tenure. While his gimmick was very similar to his current lunatic, unhinged character, it was something new for mainstream wrestling fans. Mick Foley recently recalled a backstage promo he had with the AEW star and how it was a learning moment for Becky Lynch.

At WrestleMania 32, Jon Moxley unsuccessfully faced Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match. He had a backstage segment with Mick Foley on an edition of RAW leading up to the match, where he was handed the iconic baseball bat wrapped in barbwire.

On the latest edition of Foley Is Pod, the hardcore legend detailed how at first Dewey (his son) thought he would dislike the script of the promo. Foley then ran through the script and gave the writer his feedback on the avoidance of 'cheap pops' and overall humor in the segment. Mick then turned to an amazed Becky and pointed out that the promo now did not bear any resemblance to the initial one, and how he was able to get it altered in his favor.

"So, I have this line I want to pass by Moxley and he's kind of this weird dude who's kind of kayfabe-ing everybody and I've got this past little relationship with him based on the indie thing. I said 'Hey, Jon, there's this thing I wanted to run by you and he's like, 'okay, let me hear it'. I run by the promo and I said, I want to say when I try to urge you not to take this match, he's gonna say why'd you go up on top of that call in Pittsburgh and I go I'm Mick Foley. That's what I do. And he goes well, I'm Dean Ambrose, and this is what I do" (1:01:52 - 1:02:36)

Foley further added how that promo with the AEW World Champion was a magical one:

"We rehearse it backstage one time. And they go, 'Well, would you like to try it again? I said, 'I just got goosebumps on a rehearsal. I think we're good'." (1.02.50 - 1.03.00)

Check out the entire video below:

Jon Moxley and Mick Foley clashed on multiple occasions in real-life

A decade ago, Jon Moxley and Mick Foley got into a heated exchange on Twitter. This was supposedly to build up a dream match between the two, but the Hall of Famer was not medically cleared to compete. During the online feud, the former WWE Champion went to the extent of bringing up Foley's children, which did not sit well with him.

With Tony Khan's acquisition of many former WWE talent in the past, it might not be surprising if Mick Foley joins the AEW bandwagon.

Would you like to see the Hardcore legend sign with AEW and potentially complete his quest to face Jon Moxley? Sound off in the comments.

While using quotes from this article, please add a H/T to Sportskeeda and credit Foley is Pod.

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