Zoe Saldana: Now that Im pregnant, Im kind of itching for sexy compliments

Zoe Saldana

Here are some photos of Zoe Saldana at The Book of Life premiere. She’s wearing an Altuzarra dress and enjoying it very much. This dress (and the styling) is a great maternity look. Very pretty. Zoe posed it up, waving the skirt around. Look at Marco Perego off on the side, laughing along with his wife. His artwork still makes me squicky, but I’m a fan of his personality. He’ll make a cool dad.

Zoe visited Craig Ferguson last night. She suddenly wants to talk about her pregnancy like crazy. I almost felt like I was invading her privacy by watching this interview. Whatever her reasons for talking are, Zoe is all about spilling pregnancy details. She lets us know when she’s due and all about her food cravings. Zoe also wants the world to tell her how sexy her pregnancy looks. The way she says it is so eye-rollingly pretentious:

When is she due? “I still have a ways to go. We have maybe, I don’t know, eight more weeks or something? Ten more weeks? I feel great.”

She’s ravenous: “I’m hungry all the time. I really am. [Ferguson pulls out a food tray filled with barbeque ribs.] “Oh my god! This is really good! And they’re warm! Would it be really obnoxious if I just grabbed the rib and [chowed down]? I have to say, nothing makes me happier than to see a pregnant woman eat, especially in L.A. I’m just hungry. It feels good. Food just tastes so delicious”

She used to be vegetarian: “For one season, I lost the taste of meat. So I was just having, like, lentils and quinoa. But then there was a bad night where I had a little too much to drink and I ended up at In-N-Out. You trick yourself, working in Hollywood. You trick yourself, going, ‘That burger’s disgusting. That burger’s awful.’ But now that [I’m] pregnant, [I’m] like, ‘I can eat all this together, at the same time. Like, I can have the pickle with the donut, and it would probably be life-changing.'”

Her pregnancy pasttime: “I’ve been watching a lot of crime shows. Murder mysteries. And I’m solving the case at like 2:00 in the morning. Because that’s one of the gifts of being pregnant — sometimes you just can’t sleep … My husband wakes up, and I’m just like, ‘He totally did it.'”

Tell her she’s “sexy”: “People think that they’re not supposed to compliment pregnant women. The best thing a pregnant women can hear is the word ‘sexy.’ It’s like, ‘Oh, you think I’m sexy? Yes! I’m sexy.’ Usually, I’m such an activist for women’s rights and everything. I’m like, ‘Excuse me, do not objectify me,’ or whatever. But now that I’m pregnant, I’m kind of itching for sexy comments, like compliments. Not getting picked up, because my husband will kill you. But like, you know, ‘Your wife is looking really hot.’ We like that.”

[From Us Weekly]

“Usually, I’m such an activist for women’s rights and everything…” Oh, Zoe. We know what she means. It’s okay. She can be a feminist and still enjoy compliments on her physical appearance. She feels the need to qualify her desires, which is interesting.

Somehow I like Zoe more now that she’s talking about her obsession with crime shows. I watch all those dreadful USA network reruns at the gym. Give me a murder mystery and Chris Meloni’s guns. Uh-huh.

Here’s a video clip of last night’s Craigy Ferg show. Zoe arrives at the 17 minute mark.

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
